Information – XII International Conference Photonics and Information Optics

February 1-3, 2023

Russia, Moscow

Organizing committee invites scientists, professors and lecturers, students and graduates to participate in the XII International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics.

The conference is held in ONLINE format.

Organizers of the conference

The Russian Academy of Sciences

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)


Conference Location

Moscow, Russia, Kashirskoye shosse, 31

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)



Conference themes

  • Coherent and nonlinear optics
  • Interaction of radiation with matter and optical materials
  • Fiber and integrated optics, element base of photonics
  • Optics of crystals and acousto-optics
  • Holography and synthesis of diffractive optical elements, digital optics
  • Optical communication and optoelectronic data processing

Languages of conference – Russian, English

At the conference You can perform an oral presentation, poster presentation, participation in the conference as a listener.

The sent materials of reports will be printed in the conference proceedings.

Who wants to take part in the conference as a listener should send information about himself (full name, degree, position, organization) through the conference website or by E-mail:
The connection link will be sent to the authors of the reports and other participants before the conference.

By the beginning of the conference, participants whose reports are included as posters provide presentations or posters of their reports in Russian or English for posting on the conference website (send to There are no special requirements for posters, it is possible to present reports both in the form of a stand (for example, a canvas of A0 or A1 size) or presentations in pdf format, incl. voice presentations (about 12 minutes) in avi format or similar. The discussion of the reports will take place via the conference chat via personal messages at the time allotted for this.

By the beginning of the conference, the participants, whose reports are included as oral, prepare presentations in Russian or English, the duration of the sectional report is about 12 minutes. You can also send a voice presentation of your report (about 12 minutes) in avi or similar format, it will be posted on the conference website.

After connecting to the conference, the speaker of the current day (both oral and poster) renames himself by adding the number of the report (see the program before the surname, for example: “104 Rymov D.A. » To do this, find yourself in the “Participants” list, click on “More” -> “Rename”. This is necessary so that the organizers and other participants of the conference know which speakers have joined the conference. If the participant is not a speaker, then there is no need to write the number, only the surname and initials. After connecting, please turn off the microphone and camera.

Before an oral presentation, the speaker turns on the microphone and camera (if available). After making sure that the previous demonstration is completed, the participant turns on the screen sharing (middle button at the bottom), then select “Desktop” -> “Sharing”. At this point, the video file/presentation should already be open on your computer. If you’re using a video presentation, don’t forget to check the “audio sharing” checkbox. 10-12 minutes are allotted for an oral section report, plus time for answering questions. After the presentation is completed and the questions are answered, the presenter needs to press the red “Stop Demonstration” button at the top of the screen.

In order to ask a question to the speaker orally, you need to press the Raise hand button in the tabs or “Reactions”. After you have been given the floor, turn on the microphone. Or you can ask a question in writing, in a general chat or through private messages. The author of the report can be identified by the number of the report in front of his name.

The organizers of the conference are marked in the list of participants with a special icon “Org”. The “Scientific Secretary” – Rodin V.G. monitors the regulations. Questions to the organizers are asked via chat via private messages.