29 – 31 января 2025 года



Оргкомитет приглашает ученых и специалистов, профессоров и преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов принять участие в работе конференции.

Оргвзонс для участия в работе конференции НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ.

Организаторы конференции

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»

Российская академия наук


Председатели программного комитета конференции

Гуляев Ю.В. – академик, член Президиума РАН, президент ИРЭ РАН (Москва)
Евтихиев Н.Н. – профессор, д.ф.-м.н., заведующий кафедрой НИЯУ МИФИ (Москва)
Место проведения конференции

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»,
Москва, Каширское шоссе, 31
Тел.: (495) 788-56-99 дою 93-91
E-mail: holo_mephi@mail.ru, fioconf.mephi@gmail.com,
Сайт конференции – http://fioconf.mephi.ru

Тематика конференции
Когерентная и нелинейная оптика
Взаимодействие излучения с веществом и квантовая оптика
Волоконная и интегральная оптика
Оптика кристаллов и оптические материалы
Голография и синтез дифракционных оптических элементов
Оптические методы и оптоэлектронные устройства обработки информации
Цифровые методы и нейронные сети в оптике
Элементная база и прикладные задачи фотоники


Рабочие языки конференции – русский, английский

Для включения в программу конференции необходимо представить в электронном виде
до 20 ноября 2024 года
на русском языке – материалы доклада в редакторе MS Word 97-2003,
а также (в отдельном файле) сведения обо всех авторах (фамилия, имя, отчество полностью, должность, место работы или учёбы, координаты для связи, кроме того, для граждан других государств – гражданство)
на английском языке – название доклада, его авторы и представляемая ими организация.

Материалы можно отправлять через Web-сайт конференции – http://fioconf.mephi.ru, а также присылать по адресу: holo_mephi@mail.ru

Материалы докладов будут включены в сборник трудов конференции, индексируемый в РИНЦ.


XIII International Conference Photonics and Information Optics has ended

The XIII International conference on photonics and information optics was carried in January 24-26, 2024 in Moscow. Organizers of the conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Chairmen of program committee: member of Presidium of the RAS, president of IRE RAS, academician Gulyaev Yu.V. and head

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XIII International Conference Photonics and Information Optics

January 24-26, 2024 Russia, Moscow Organizers of the conference National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) The Russian Academy of Sciences   Conference Location Moscow, Russia, Kashirskoye shosse, 31 National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) E-mail: holo_mephi@mail.ru, fioconf.mephi@gmail.com   Conference themes Coherent and nonlinear optics Interaction of radiation with matter

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XII International Conference Photonics and Information Optics has ended

The XII International conference on photonics and information optics was carried in January 26-28, 2022 via videoconference. Organizers of the conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Chairmen of program committee: member of Presidium of the RAS, president of IRE RAS, academician Gulyaev Yu.V. and head

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XII International Conference Photonics and Information Optics

February 1-3, 2023 Russia, Moscow The conference is held in ONLINE format. Organizers of the conference The Russian Academy of Sciences National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)   Conference Location Moscow, Russia, Kashirskoye shosse, 31 National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) E-mail: holo_mephi@mail.ru   Conference themes Coherent and nonlinear

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XI International Conference Photonics and Information Optics has ended

The XI International conference on photonics and information optics was carried in January 26-28, 2022 via videoconference. Organizers of the conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Chairmen of program committee: member of Presidium of the RAS, president of IRE RAS, academician Gulyaev Yu.V. and head

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XI International Conference Photonics and Information Optics

January 26-28, 2022 Russia, Moscow Organizing committee invites scientists, professors and lecturers, students and graduates to participate in the XI International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics. The conference is held in ONLINE format. Organizers of the conference The Russian Academy of Sciences National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)   Conference Location

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X International Conference Photonics and Information Optics has ended

The X International conference on photonics and information optics was carried in January 27-29, 2021 via videoconference. Organizers of the conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Chairmen of program committee: member of Presidium of the RAS, president of IRE RAS, academician Gulyaev Yu.V. and head

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X International Conference Photonics and Information Optics

January 27-29, 2021 Russia, Moscow Organizing committee invites scientists, professors and lecturers, students and graduates to participate in the IX International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics. The conference is held in online format. Organizers of the conference The Russian Academy of Sciences National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)   Conference Location

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IX International Conference Photonics and Information Optics has ended

The IX International conference on photonics and information optics was carried in January 29-31, 2020. Organizers of the conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Chairmen of program committee: member of Presidium of the RAS, president of IRE RAS, academician Gulyaev Yu.V. and head of the

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IX International Conference Photonics and Information Optics

January 29-31, 2020 National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow Organizing committee invites scientists, professors and lecturers, students and graduates to participate in the IX International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics. At the conference You can perform an oral presentation, poster presentation, participation in the conference as a listener. The materials of reports will be

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