IX International Conference Photonics and Information Optics has ended

The IX International conference on photonics and information optics was carried in January 29-31, 2020. Organizers of the conference: The Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Chairmen of program committee: member of Presidium of the RAS, president of IRE RAS, academician Gulyaev Yu.V. and head of the department of NRNU MEPhI, professor Evtikhiev N.N. Chairman of organizing committee – director of Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies of NRNU MEPhI, professor Kuznetsov A.P. Conference themes: coherent and nonlinear optics, fiber and integrated optics, optics of crystals and acousto-optics, interaction of radiation with matter and optical materials, nano- ana biophotonics, holography and digital optics, optical communication and optoelectronic data processing, element base and applied photonics. Information support of the conference: Russian journals Quantum Electronics and Photonics.
The program included 336 reports of scientists from NRNU MEPhI, from the organizations of the Moscow region (MSU, MIPT, NUST «MISIS», PFUR, MIREA, Bauman MSTU, MAI, MPEI, Skoltech, LPI RAS, GPI RAS, JIHT RAS, FORC RAS, STS UI RAS, IS RAS, FIRE RAS, ISSP RAS, FSRC «Crystallography and Photonics» RAS, All-Russian RIA, NRC «Kurchatov institute», All-Russian RIOPM, All-Russian SRIPTRM, MERI, IRE-Polus Corporation, et. al.), from the organizations from the other cities of Russia (Saint-Petersburg (SPb SU, SPb PU, SPb SEU «LETI», SPb SUAI, SPb SUT, SPb NRU ITMO, Hersen RSPU, BSTU «Voenmech», Ioffe PTI RAS, SOI, et. al.), Kaliningrad (BFU, KSTU), Apatity (ICTREMRM KSC RAN), Arkhangelsk (NAFU), Vologda (VoGU), Veliky Novgorod (NovSU), Pskov (PskovSU), Yaroslavl (YaSTU), Tver (TvSU), Vladimir (VlSU), Saransk (MRSU), Penza (PSUAC), Tambov (TSTU), Voronezh (VAIU), Simferopol (CFU), Stavropol (NCFU), Krasnodar (KubSU), Taganrog (SFU), Rostov-on-Don (RSTU), Nizhny Novgorod (NNSU, IAP RAS), Samara (SamNRU, SB FI RAN), Saratov (Saratov SU), Ulyanovsk (UlSU), Izhevsk (UFRC UB RAS, ISTU), Orenburg (OSU), Kazan (KFU), Perm (PNRPU, PSU), Ufa (BSPU), Ekaterinburg (UrFU), Omsk (OmSTU), Tomsk (TGU, TUSUR), Novosibirsk (IAE SB RAS), Krasnoyarsk (SFU, ICM SB RAS), Blagoveshchensk (AmSU), Khabarovsk (FESTU), Vladivostok (FEFU, IASP FEB RAS), etc., and from universities and institutes of NAS of Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Grodno, Mogilev, Mozyr), Moldova (Kishenev), Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek) and Republic of Kazakhstan (Karaganda) from international groups including scientists from different countries, so from universities of Poland, United Kingdom, France and Germany. In total there were reports from 180 organizations, from them from 74 higher education institutes, 39 institutes of the RAS, 20 scientific research institutes, 18 scientific production organizations from Russia, 13 organizations from the CIS and 16 organizations from European Union, China, Taiwan, Japan, USA, and Canada.
The conference included 12 meetings in total: 2 plenary sessions and 10 section meetings, also 4 poster sessions took place. Languages of conference – Russian and English. The presentation of scientific-technical literature and catalogues and exhibition of equipment for scientific research from some organizations was carried out during the conference. The proceedings of conference were published and distributed among participants and guests of conference. Best reports were recommended for publication in the form of papers in the reviewed magazines.
The IX International conference on photonics and information optics carried on traditions of the previous forums since 2000 again confirmed that such forums are an effective platform for the exchange of new ideas and methods and so for building of new scientific collaborations as within in the Russian Federation and at the international level. Participation in the conference of both well-known scientists and young researchers allows to confirm a conclusion that such forums will contribute to improving the level of knowledge and quality of education of the specialists in this industry.