January 24-26, 2024
Russia, Moscow
Organizers of the conference
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
The Russian Academy of Sciences
Conference Location
Moscow, Russia, Kashirskoye shosse, 31
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Conference themes
- Coherent and nonlinear optics
- Interaction of radiation with matter and optical materials
- Fiber and integrated optics, element base of photonics
- Optics of crystals and acousto-optics
- Holography and synthesis of diffractive optical elements, digital optics
- Optical communication and optoelectronic data processing
Languages of conference – Russian, English
To take part in the conference You are to submit in electronic form the following:
– the paper in format MS Word 97-2003,
– information about the author (full name, title, place of work or education, citizenship, contact details),
– the name of the report, its authors and their organizations in English,
before November 22, 2023
You can send the required information to email: holo_mephi@mail.ru, holo@pico.mephi.ru
You also can send your paper on conference using form on the official website of conference – Send paper.
Addresses and phones
115409, Kashirskoe highway, 31, Moscow, Russia, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», E-005 room
Phone: +7(495) 788-56-99 add 93-91
E-mail: holo_mephi@mail.ru, fioconf.mephi@gmail.com